School Years 1/2/3 – Mondays- 5.00 -6.30
If you want a weekly variety of activities such as games, arts and crafts, awards, football and have a chance to take part in a whole variety of competitions and events then Anchors will be great for you. In addition you will meet and make new friends. Anchors is open to both boys and girls.
Parents/ Carers – Anchors undertake all these activities within the atmosphere of the Christian Church, hoping to assist you in providing a framework in which your child/ children grow
Why not come along for a taster night to see what you think?
We meet at Yiewsley Baptist Church on the corner of Whitethorn Avenue and Colham Avenue (come through gate at right hand side of boundary wall of the church building and go along path with house on right to door at end of path)
For further information drop in one Monday or get in touch by phone or email
Anchors is part of the Boys Brigade and is open to both boys and girls, 1st Yiewsley Company is part of the national Boys Brigade and further details about what they do and other groups can be found on the Boys Brigade website